Saturday, January 12, 2008

How media is used in my family home!

I think alot of media is used in my house Because in our day and times that is what is mostly used weather its the internet or television or video games or telephone it is all blended in with media. Their is like a certain chart in everyones house that compares what family member watchs television or listens to music or plays video games or talks on the telephone the most. Since i live with my granparents that only leaves us with 3 members in the family and I think the person who uses Televison the most is my papa because he is retired and since he doesnt work he has alot of time to sit around the house and their isnt much to do for him so he watches television the most i would say. And i would probly say the person who watches television the least is me because i always have work and am at school and when i go home i usally go out with freinds too so i am never home so i would say i watch television the least. Who uses the telephone the most would be my nana because she always has family calling her so she uses the phone the most the person who uses the home phone least is myself cause i always use my cell phone never the home phone.

Who uses the computer myself would be myself because im always on msn talkin to my girlfriend or watchin movies or doing homework on the computer so i use the computer the most. The person who uses the cell phone the most would be myself because i am constintly on my cell phone and my grandparents only use it to get a hold of me so i use the cell phone the most defently. The most expensive product to keep running in our house would probly be Television because that is used the most and we have satalite television so it costs extra ontop so defently television is the most to upkeep. I would say the cheapest to keep running is probly our home phone because it really isnt used to much and i think the computer is alittle bit more expensive then the home phone. I would say my favorite tool in the house is the computer because u can do so much on it like watch movies talk to freinds play games etc my papa's favorite tool would defently be the television because he loves to watch sports and his television shows. I would say my nanas favorite tool in the house would be the homephone because she talks to all her freinds on their and she doesnt really know how to use the computer so i would say the home phone. I think our age prefers like cellphones and computers because we know how to use them and our parents and grandparents like television and the home phone because their useto using those types of technology the computer and cellphones wernt big when they were grwoing up so it was phone and tv for them.

I would say my grandparents least favorite is the computer because they dont really know how to use it and they dont have much intrest in using it so i would say the computer. My least favorite is my home phone because i never use it and its pointless to my i use my cell phone so it is my least favorite never liked the home phone.

where i got my pictures from:


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