I agree with what michelle is saying about how the media brings you down when u are at the top of the game when brittney spears was really popular and before any of the stuff happened now that she is doing she was the most popularist pop star in America and everyone loves brittney spears. But when she got divorced to kevin ferderline she just started to lose it and everyone started making fun of her because she was having problems with drinking and driving and got caught with no panties on goin out in public so everyone was like what kind of mother she.
When brittney spears lost her kid i think thats when she fianlly snapped she couldent take all the presure from the media and jus lost it all the media was following her around 24/7 because she was doing so much wrong in such little time and she always had the media around her so they always seen what she was doing cause they were following her everywhere she went.
When brittney spears preformed at the VMA awards she made herself look even worse because it wasent really her fault but she odviusly couldent preform the moves that she once could when she was younger and in better shape and before she had a kid so alot of media critized her for poor ethic of dancing at the VMA awards because she was messing up on her moves.
So i totally agree with what michelle is trying to say about how media critizes celebraties specally when they were really popular at one time then they just lose everyhting and the media needs someone to critize.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
RE: brittneys 9/11 post
I agree with what brittney was saying in her blog about september 11th 2001 and how everyone was shocked and scared that their was a terriorist attack for the first time in the united states that was really big and did a big impact on a country that big and important. Alot of people were scared because they think that they might be targeted next and everyone panics when somethign like that happens because they dont know what to do next and if they are goin to be targeted what should they do.
And how brittneys parents were freaking out when the 9/11 thing happened alot of peoples parents were probly freaking out because they were worried about canada gettin attacked and worried for their kids just incase of a terriorst attack and they want their familys to be safe so they get worried when stuff like this happens. I think my parents were tripping out when 9/11 happened we all dident understand what just happened untill a couple years later when it was really big. I was like 12 or 13 when it happened so i really dident understand what was happening on 9/11 i remmeber 1 of my freinds tellin me 2planes went into some hudge tower in new york city.
so now i am more educated with what had happened on 9/11 so i understand the terriorist attacks and what goes on in todays society when 9/11 happened it dident make sense to me i dident know what happened now i understand what happened and it makes more sense to me and i understand it better. so i defently agree with brittneys post and what she says about 9/11.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
How media is used in my family home!
I think alot of media is used in my house Because in our day and times that is what is mostly used weather its the internet or television or video games or telephone it is all blended in with media. Their is like a certain chart in everyones house that compares what family member watchs television or listens to music or plays video games or talks on the telephone the most. Since i live with my granparents that only leaves us with 3 members in the family and I think the person who uses Televison the most is my papa because he is retired and since he doesnt work he has alot of time to sit around the house and their isnt much to do for him so he watches television the most i would say. And i would probly say the person who watches television the least is me because i always have work and am at school and when i go home i usally go out with freinds too so i am never home so i would say i watch television the least. Who uses the telephone the most would be my nana because she always has family calling her so she uses the phone the most the person who uses the home phone least is myself cause i always use my cell phone never the home phone.
Who uses the computer myself would be myself because im always on msn talkin to my girlfriend or watchin movies or doing homework on the computer so i use the computer the most. The person who uses the cell phone the most would be myself because i am constintly on my cell phone and my grandparents only use it to get a hold of me so i use the cell phone the most defently. The most expensive product to keep running in our house would probly be Television because that is used the most and we have satalite television so it costs extra ontop so defently television is the most to upkeep. I would say the cheapest to keep running is probly our home phone because it really isnt used to much and i think the computer is alittle bit more expensive then the home phone. I would say my favorite tool in the house is the computer because u can do so much on it like watch movies talk to freinds play games etc my papa's favorite tool would defently be the television because he loves to watch sports and his television shows. I would say my nanas favorite tool in the house would be the homephone because she talks to all her freinds on their and she doesnt really know how to use the computer so i would say the home phone. I think our age prefers like cellphones and computers because we know how to use them and our parents and grandparents like television and the home phone because their useto using those types of technology the computer and cellphones wernt big when they were grwoing up so it was phone and tv for them.
I would say my grandparents least favorite is the computer because they dont really know how to use it and they dont have much intrest in using it so i would say the computer. My least favorite is my home phone because i never use it and its pointless to my i use my cell phone so it is my least favorite never liked the home phone.
where i got my pictures from: ink.news.com.au/.../television%20for20%ink.JPG
www. westchiltington.com/images/computer_dell.JPG
Friday, January 11, 2008
Why media literacy is important!
I think that Media literacy is very important because it shows what people do and what mistakes people make while writing their own personal blog. Some of the most common mistakes while writing your own personal blogs are No author biographies unless your a buisness blog you dont need to have to have your blog like an actuall corperate site It's a simple matter of trust. Anonymous writings have less credence than something that's signed. And, unless a person's extraordinarily famous. Another important key fact in media literacy is No author photo It offers a more personable impression of the author. You enhance your credibility by the simple fact that you're not trying to hide. Also users relate more easily to somebody they've seen. It connects the virtual and physical worlds. People who have met you before will recognize your photo, and people who've read your site will recognize you when you meet in person say at a conference or the company cafeteria if you're an intranet blogger.Another important fact of blogging is Nondescript Posting Titles This applies to a posting's body text, but it's even more important with headlines you should always use headline titles so whoever is reading your atricle knows what they are reading about.
Some others are Classic Hits are Buried Hopefully, you'll write some pieces with lasting value for readers outside your fan base. Don't relegate such classics to the archives, where people can only find something if they know you posted it, say, in May 2003 and remember to link to your past pieces in newer postings. Don't assume that readers have been with you from the beginning give them background and context in case they want to read more about your ideas when u are writing a blog. Irregular Publishing Frequency is important also because u need to have a scdule to currently update your blogs. For most weblogs, daily updates are probably best, but weekly or even monthly updates might work as well, depending on your topic. In either case, pick a publication schedule and stick to it. If you usually post daily but sometimes let months go by without new content, you'll lose many of your loyal -- and thus most valuable readers. Mixing Topics is what alot of people make mistakes on while writing a blog you If you publish on many different topics, you're less likely to attract a loyal audience of high-value users. Busy people might visit a blog to read an entry about a topic that interests them. They're unlikely to return, however, if their target topic appears only sporadically among a massive range of postings on other topics. The only people who read everything are those with too much time on their hands.
Alot of people also forget when your writing your blogs you want to write like your writing for your boss always remember Whenever you post anything to the Internet whether on a weblog, in a discussion group, or even in an email think about how it will look to a hiring manager in ten years. Once stuff's out, it's archived, cached and indexed in many services that you might never be aware of Years from now, someone might consider hiring you for a plum job and take the precaution of 'nooping you first. Just taking a stab at what's next after Google. Anything about you that's ever been bitified. What will they find in terms of naïvely puerile analysis or offendingly nasty flames published under your name. The last important fact about bloggin isHaving a Domain name owned by a weblog serviceHaving a weblog address ending in blogspot.com, google.com, etc. will soon be the equivalent of having an @aol.com email address or a Geocities website: the mark of a beginner who shouldn't be taken too seriously Letting somebody else own your name means that they own your destiny on the Internet. They can degrade the service quality as much as they want. They can increase the price as much as they want. these are some of the important factors i found for key concepts on blogging.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Advertising and weekend activities
The role in media is very important in my life and other peoples life because when you see advertising it makes you want something or make you intrested in something that catches your eyes when you see a advertisement. Media is in everything you listen to or see or hear on television or radio or when you go outside driving around you will always see advertising of products at bus stops restrants bars clubs shopping malls etc you will always see advertising around you. When you watch televison and you see commercials on the broadcast during a program that is advertising like when you watch football their is always budlight molson canadian or molson export beer commercials because they know that alot of men and teenagers watch football and know that nothin is better then watching football while drinking beer so it gets the mens viewers attention.
Some of the activities i did this weekend were playing video games on my xbox 360 played alot of soccer outside with my freinds rented some movies went over to my girlfreinds house watched a soccer game finished some homework i had to do ate dinner at wendys got drunk with my buddies worked for my aunt for some money watched sunday night football all day and went to sleep all 3 days but barely got any sleep. So in all this weekend was busy for me but really fun and i enjoyed it while i was doing all these things this weekend i overcame alot of advertisements while doing it.
I seen some advertisements like setanta sports when i was watchin soccer and fox and coca cola while i was watching football also pepsi playstation 3 x-box 360 video games waltdisney when i was watchin my movie i also seen sharp and compaq and mercedez benz advertisement and bmw reebox when i was watchin football. Their was some other advertisements like umbro wendys mcdonalds burger king Z103.5 tsn cherrrios ups Nfl budwieser molson adidas under armour nike so i seen alot of advertisements this weekend and they all make you ither want to buy somehting or think of buying something. These advertisements are ment to be put on televison and in shopping malls so they get ur attention and try to bring you into their store and buy certain products from their stores. And you always see alot of advertising the hole world is based around advertising thats how people get attention and get people to buy stuff through advertising most popular way of gettin consumers to buy stuff through advertising.
where i got my pictures from: lyngsat-logo.com/.../cc/cide_Z_toronto.jpg
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Real Bad Arabs and how they are purtrayed!
I would choose television or radio to broadcast to the world about the video Real Bad Arabs and how they are pertrayed as terriorists and enemies of the United States and how Hollywood's purpatraying Middle Eastern Arabs to be in real life.I would advertise it over radio so if people were in their cars they would be able to hear my advertisement for the film and i would tell them when it was playing what time and what channel so people would tune in and watch it. I would also have television commercials and local area news broadcast advertising for the program so it would get peoples attention and possibly have them watch it.
In the clip of the documentry Real Bad Arabs it shows a documentry about how in movies in Hollywood and the United States directors and producers who make films pretray and use Arab desent people as bad guys of the United States and enemies of the United States they use Arabs more then any other ethnical group or race as enemies of the United States because Hollywood protrays them as bad guys and a race that belives and promotes terriorism when really that is not true and they are being protrayed wrong and misinterpertated by American people as terriorists.
In some of the movie clips in the documentry it shows examples of how Arabs are purtrayed as bad guys of the united states it shows Arabs who are trying to hijack planes or blow up the United States or attack the White House or take someone or something hostiage so they can acheive what they want from the good guy. In the movie clips it also shows how the Arabs hate Americans and how they all try to attack American soliders when they come over to their countrys but that really isnt true and alot of the stuff u see in movies isnt really what happens in life so alot of it is thought buy the director and how he protrays Arabs. In some of the clips like Aladdin the song says "in a land far away where caravan camels grow where they cut off ur ear if they dont like ur face its barbarick but hey its home".
In some of the other clips like Ali Baba a Arab man who barks like an angry dog shows that Arabs are all angry people when really they arent and another scene from raiders of the lost ark 2 Harrison ford is gettin threatened by a middle eastern man swingin swords and he looks at him like he is dumb and just shoots him with his gun. In another clip cannonball 2 it has an arab man who loves American woman and America he is praytrayed as stupid and is rich spends alot of his money on worthless stuff like 12 hotel rooms gives away gold ring to the hot nurse and it makes him look like a stupid arab. And in True lies it shows the 1 middle eastern man taken Arnald swartzinegger's wife and holding innocent people hostiage and threating all of America by blowing up each city every hour so alot of these films protray Arabs to be bad guys and terriorists when really they are not.
where i got my picture from: www.peaceproject.com/.../dvds/largerDVD149.jpg
Monday, January 7, 2008
Little Mosque on the prairie!
This TV show is about a group of Muslims who rent out a church and abunch of people from the small town perpatrate them as terriorists because when they prayed they have to pray 5 times a day. A white guy thinks their planning a terriorist attack so he calls the terriorist hotline and then when that 1 guy is waiting for a flight he's like its not like I'm goin to hijack a plane or commit suicide for god. The lady gets out of line and goes and gets security because of a misunderstanding she thought he was goin to hijack the plane so the security takes out the guy and interperts him asking him questions like what were you doing in Afghanistan and how long where you their for and if you dont tell us then we will deport you to whatever country we want to.
But they wouldent be allowed to do that because he was born in canada so technically he is a canadian citizen. Then these guys go and tell the news channel and radio what their doing at the mosque so then he goes on the air saying their terriorists and their planning an attack so eveyone now in the town is gettin worried and is concerned about an attack happening in the future possibly their. the cops call the mosque the guy who got stopped at the airport and they called the place and got the answering machine and it was a recording that sounded like a terriorist planning like we blow things up were the best at it so they thought wrong and thought he had connections with terriorists.
The 1 muslim guy goes on the air and the news guy asks him all these questions so what are you doing here and when are you planning to make a bomb and set it off somewhere do you have connections with Alkida are you terriorist. The guy is like I dont no what your talking about and I have nothing to do with it a Typical white stereotype of a muslim in North America. Then another guy takes pictures of when he gets out of the car and is like gettin interviewed saying so you have connections with terriorism and Alkida where is Osama bin Laden like he actually knows where he is hiding.
This movie shows alot of perpatrading in a North American society agianst muslims even muslims who are white and were born here in canada are perpatrayed as terriorists or enemies of North America just because of their religion and middle eastern background. We as a country and community think that just because of what happened on 9/11 doesnt mean that all Muslims are bad and belive and in terriorism like George bush and some of the media dont always belive what you see or hear it may not seem true as to what appears to you.
where i got my image from: www.dgcodc.ca/graphics/littleMosque.jpg
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
did Avril plagiarise or not????
In 2006 Canadian singer Avril Lavigne was accused of plagiarising a song called Girlfreind by Avril Lavigne was copyrighted and plagiarised a song from a band called the Rubinoos which was a popular band in the 1970's they made a song that sounds alot familur to Avril's song girlfreind called i want to be your boyfreind. It sounds very familur between the 2 songs we listened to them in class and the only difference is some of the lyrics i think the course of the 2 songs are the same but the lyrics are a little bit different like how the words are used the course of the song is very simular .
The rubinoos lead singer Tommy Dubar was sueing Avril for plagiarising his song and copyrighting without asking so he wants royalities for his song being used without his premission so he wanted to sue her for rights to the song but Avril claims that she never even heard of that bad and she dident know they had a song like that and she never heard it before when she wrote Girlfreind and Avril claims that her and her song writer Luke Gottwald wrote the lyrics from scratch and she dident take nothin from the Rubinoos except 5 words.
And thats what their sueing her for she says that their is not merit to their lawsuit agianst them and another singer says she would never work with Avril Lavigne agian because she got no credit on her album was Chantel Kreviazuk who helped her write her first album and some of the lyrics on her album and she dident get any credit for it so she said she would never work with her agian and Avril said the comments Chantel made about her could effect her career as a singer. Because they worked on acouple tracks together with a producer called Evan taubenfield who helped them both write songs later on Chantel appoligiased for saying she plagiarised and copied her songs and she made an public appoligie so Avril jus said so people would understand the lyrics were different and she accepted Chantels appoligies and the rubinhoos lost the lawsuit because their is no proof of copyright allthough it sounded the same it really isnt the same so she got off the hook.
where i got my pictures from: www.hollyscoop.com/blogimages/44154178--avril
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