Friday, December 7, 2007

Dixie Chicks vs George Bush

The dixie chicks a very popular band in the united states and the hole world for their well known country music and when geoge bush got elected into power as president of the united states in 2000 Natilie who is the lead singer of the dixie chicks and is a very strong person with her feelings and how she feels about things. And after 9/11 and the terriorist attacks in New York city in 2001 occuried George bush immediately made a military campaign for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan to find who was behind the terriorist attacks on 9/11 it was Osama Bin Laden the leader of the Alkida organization a terriorist group outside of Afghanistan and when the Dixie chicks went into a tour in the UK Natilie made a comment about George Bush at the time when the he was very popular just gettin into power and being supported by all America to send in the troops to the middle east for war on terriorism.
Natilie the lead singer made a comment saying that "I am assamed that the president of the United States is from Texas" the state which she and George Bush are from so she is mad and does not agree with George bush and what he represents she is for democrates not republicans and George bush is for the buisnesses and for the rich not for the people and the country and when Natilie made that comment about George bush that got alot of Americans ticked off with what she said because that is the president of the united states and he wants revenge on the Alkida and everyone in America agrees with what he said and what he stands for the war. So she said something that is right but said it at the wrong time when he was popular if she had said that today or like in 2006 people wouldent have cared because i think not alot of people like george bush no more because they found out how much of an idiot he was and how many mistakes he made people took what Natilie said the wrong way they have the right to be mad and disagree with what she says but she should never have had death threats sent to her and people saying shes useless and is not worthy of being american.
And people saying she is a tramp and she should jus shut up and sing all their songs were taken off the air and wernt played because people said if they dident stop playing their songs on the radio they wouldent listen to the station anymore and people were throwing out their cds and it would be hard for dixie chicks because noone would want to have them play concerts and shows because they wouldent be making money because people dont want to go and see them because they dont like what she said about george bush so they wernt making alot of money and this was 1 biggest selling band for cds dixie chicks were selling more then anyone in any type of music they sold over 30 million copies of their cd and now they were becoming the least popularist group. And even lipton was gettin worried about their contract with the dixie chicks they were worried that it would effect their product sales because if they had a linx with the dixie chicks noone would want to buy their product because of them but lipton stayed with them as their sponsor and eventually people dident hate the dixie chicks no more because they were right about George Bush.
He was just an idiot and was wrong he did everything wrong and made alot of mistakes with his research and he hasent done nothin good in the middle east except kill saddam hussein and steal Iraq's oil so the picture has changed sides and everyone hates George bush agian. now for Pink she wrote a song about the president and all the mistakes he made in the middle east and her opionions as to why she doesnt support george bush called mr.president and she dident get critized at all for writing that song because of the time she wrote the song after the war happened and everything that george bush screwed up thats y she wasent critized.
where i got my picture from:

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